By default,this file you will see after start and close ALO game client. Here files with maybe contain juicy information and you can use to meet your need.
Filename: midage.ini
File location: .
Function: Contain game client configuration setting on last run/exit.
Interesting content:
GameWndSizeWidth = 1280 (resolution)
GameWndSizeHeight = 800 (resolution)
Name = username (last login/exit char by client)
SET = 0
Filename: reg.ini
File location: .
Function: Contain game client loader configuration.
Interesting content:
Version = (your current game version)
GameDir = . (in parent directory)
LoaderVer = 2.6 (version of loader being used)
Filename: server.xml
File Location: .
Function: Contain server(to connect) information
Interesting content:
ip="" port="12000" (server ip address)
fip="" fport="12007" (foward ip address?)
4-wob_X_X (X refer to number of resolution)
Filename: wob_800_600.xml, wob_1024_768.xml, wob_1280_768.xml, wob_1280_800.xml
File location: .\save\cfg
Funtion: Contain configuration of window/dialog position
Interesting content: ALL BY FUNCTION
5-05CharName (05 is code style while CharName is your character name)
Filename: 05CharName.txt
File location: .\save\data
Funtion: Contain data about vending/stall
Interesting content:
Message = SELL CHEAP (vend/stall name/your ads)
[SELL] (start item in sell column)
ID1 = 111111111 (system generated id1)
ID2 = 121212121 (system generated id2)
Num = 1 (quantity of item)
Price = 3000000 (price of item.capped at 2 billion/2b)
[BUY] (start item in auto buy column)
ID1 = 0 (no need id1)
ID2 = 232323232 (system generated id2)
Num = 10 (quantity to auto buy)
Price = 2000000 (buying price)
Filename: (username is your login,charname is your character)
File location: .\save\data
Funtion: Contain data about angel baby setting/configuration
Interesting content: maybe all but cant edit directly
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