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Google Adsense On sup3rc0w

Whoahh.. Now sup3rc0w haing an ads from Google Adsense. After 3 or 4 times resubmit an to get approval from Google, was approved. The reason what Google Adsense not approve sup3rc0w is about the content/post. I was try to seek the for the solution and now, i found it.

Google Adsense disapprove my application because of my "sensitive information content" what i post about the bugs or vulnerability of the web. Now, i set that post as a drive and planning to backup them to my computer.

This is a screenshot taken about the problem i got from Google Adsense:

Google Adsense disapproved

It so sad and scary picture of my blog. But, after contact Google Adsense, sup3rc0w was approved and giving approval to put adsense ads.

This is adsense ads on

Google adsense on with 3 ads from adsense


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