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Streamyx Authentication Fail OR Auth Failed

 I try to figure out the problem getting this error sometimes on my modem/router. They might give you different error logs but by mean is like "Username and/or Password not correct, authentication fail" or by simple status error "auth failed"

This is very annoying problem ever. I hate this part when try to set/install certain Streamyx account in my modem/router. What i know is,my DSL line reach is low or poor. This might be caused from:

Copper wire
Streamyx problem itself

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I noticed when i trying to use/set Streamyx account, i found this

See screenshot below:

Streamyx slow dsl line

Before everything almost ok for the attainable rate is about 10, sometime over that value..When caught in this situation, it hard to change/use Streamyx account. For attempt,i heard Streamyx will "freeze" you a little time about 5 minutes.


  1. saya dah dua kali guna account account streamyx yang you bagi, tapi selepas sehari mesti terus internet tak ada. :(

  2. skrg streamyx update dh kot system scurity mmg gne style gn sbb sy xpnah byar bil tnet..lau sy byar,sy gne yg sy pnyer je..lau xckup lju bru sy gne acc len
